Krukier Lev Abramovich
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200/1 Stachky Ave., Bld.2 344090, Rostov-on-Don, Russia phone: +7(863) 2975097, 2975100, fax: +7(863) 2975101 E-mail: |
Personal Data | Date and place of birth: 13.05.1951, Taganrog, Rostov region, Russia. Married with 2 children. |
Education | 2008 – pres. | Professor, Southern Federal University, Faculty of mathematics, mechanics and computer science, Department of HPC and informational and communicative technologies. |
2006 - 2008 | Professor, Southern Federal University, Faculty of mathematics, mechanics and computer science, Department of informatics and computing experiment. | |
2003 | Researcher Professor in the Mathematical Modeling of VAK RF. | |
1996 - 2006 | Professor, Rostov State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of informatics and computing experiment. | |
1995 | Doctor of Science in Mathematical Modeling – Institute of Mathematical Modeling, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. | |
1991 - 2003 | Senior Researcher VAK USSR. | |
1987 | Candidate of Science in Computational Mathematics (Ph.D equivalent), Kazan State University, Kazan. | |
1973 - 1976 | Postgraduate student, Rostov State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of Computational Mathematics. | |
1968 – 1973 | Student – Five-year studies at the Rostov State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics (undergraduate and graduate courses). | |
Professional background | 2006 – pres. | Southern Federal University (SFU), (Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, Russia) |
2008 - pres. | Head of Department of HPC and informational and communicative technologies, Faculty of mathematics, mechanics and computer science. | |
2006 – 2007 | Vice-rector of SFU. | |
2006 - pres. | Director of Computer Center SFU. | |
1977 – 2006 | Rostov State University (RSU), (Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, Russia) | |
2003 – 2006 | Vice-rector of RSU | |
1999 - 2006 | Director of Computer Center RSU | |
1992 - 1999 | Deputy Director of Computer Center | |
1990 - 1992 | Laboratory Head of Computer Center | |
1987 - 1990 | Leading Researcher of Computer Center | |
1977 - 1987 | Senior Researcher of Computer Center | |
Areas of interest and specialization: |
Mathematical modeling of hydro physical processes in the reservoir and the atmosphere:
| |
Language | English (fluent), German (poor). | |
Rewards | Awards for scientific research in Rostov State University for 1995, 1998, 2003; Awards for scientific research in Southern Federal University for 2007; Member of editorial board, journal “Mathematical Modeling” RAS publisher. | |
Membership | GAMM, ILAS; Academy of Informatization in Education, Academician; International Academy of Informatization, Academician. | |
Organizing of Conferences and Workshops |
Co-Chair of The Scientific Committee, Russian Meeting on Modern Problems of Mathematical Modeling (13 conferences, held every 2 years). Chair of The Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (NASCOM'08) (October 13-17, 2008) Member of The Scientific Committee, Russian Scientific-Technical Conference on Parallel computations in problems of mathematical physics (July 21-25, 2004). Vice-Chair of The Scientific Programme Committee, The International Summer School on Iterative Methods and Matrix Computation (June 2-9, 2002). Member of The Scientific Committee, Russian Conference on Mathematical modeling and problems of ecological safety (September 4-9, 2000). Member of The Organizing Committee, International Conference on Environmental Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis (EMMNA'99) (May 24-31, 1999). | |
Publications | More than 200 papers: 3 monographs, 10 editing proceedings, about 70 journal papers. |
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of XIII Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, SFU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2009, 496p. (In Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, A.L.Chikin, L.G. Chikina, I.N. Shabas, Modeling of hydro processes in reservoirs with large areas of shallow water, SFU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2009, 244p. (In Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, A.L.Chikin, Mathematical models of flow in reservoirs with large areas of shallow water, Izv.VUZov, North-Caucasian region, Natural Science, special issue of "Current problems of mathematical hydrodynamics", Rostov on Don, 2009, pp.125-129. (In Russian)
- C.Johnson, L.A. Krukier General Resolution of a Convergence Question of L.Krukier,// Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 2009, v.232, N1, pp.3-16
- L.A. Krukier, T.S.Martinova, Z.Z. Bai Product-Type Skew-Hermitian Triangular Splitting Iteration Methods for Strongly Non-Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Systems,// Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, v.232, N1, pp.3-16
- V.N. Zubov, L.A. Krukier, G.V. Muratova, T.N. Subbonina Simulation of radioactive air pollution in the region of the Volgodonsk nuclear power plant // Math. Modeling, 2008, v.20, №7, pp.85-92. (In Russian)
- Jaiceung Kim, Pavel Naselsky, Lev A. Krukier, Victor Datsyuk, Oleg Datsyuk Probing the last scattering surface through recent and future CMB observations. Journal of Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics., 12 (2008) 007
- L.A. Krukier, G.V. Muratova, E.M. Andreeva, V.N. Zubov, T.N. Subbonina, O.B. Nikitenko Mathematical modeling of convective-diffusive transport in the problems of ecology, SFU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2008, 299 p. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of XII Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, SFU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2007, 368p. (In Russian)
- Lev A. Krukier, Olga A. Pichugina and Vadim Sokolov, Numerical investigation of Krylov subspace methods for solving non-symmetric systems of linear equations with dominant skew-symmetric part. Mathematica Montisnigri., Vol. XVIII-XIX, (2005-2006), pp.37- 48.
- Krukier, L.A. Muratova, G.V., Solution of steady convection-diffusion equation with dominant convection by MGM with special smoother, Math. Modeling, 2006, V.18, N5, pp. 63-72.
- Bai Z.Z., Krukier L.A., Martynova T.S. “Two step iterative methods for solution of steady convection-diffusion equation with small parameter at the higher derivatives on regular mesh", J. Comp. Math.& Math. Physics, 2006, N2, pp. 282-293
- L.A. Krukier, O.A. Pichugina, V. Sokolov “Numerical investigation of Krylov subspace methods for solving non-symmetric systems of linear equations with dominant skew-symmetric part”. Int. J. of Num. Anal. & Modeling., 2006, V 3, N 1, pp.115- 124
- Krukier, L.A., Muratova G.V., Subbotina Т.N.”The efficient finite difference scheme for solution of unsteady convection diffusion equation with dominant convection”, Math. Model., 2005, №12, pp.80-86 (in Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of XI Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2005, 436p. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A., Subbotina Т.N. “About one class of triangular skew-symmetric schemes for solution of non stationary convection-diffusion equation.” Izv. VUZov, Mathematics, 2004, №5, pp. 41-46 (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, G.V. Muratova, O.V. Nikitenko, A.L. Chikin, I.N. Shabas Model of the hydrophysical processes in the water reservoir, in book “Complex monitoring of Azov sea, v.6”, Apatity, 2004, KCC RAS, pp.279-298 (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier. Chetverushkin B.N.. (editors) Proceedings of Russian science-technical meeting “Parallel computational in problem of Mathematical Physics”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2004, 207p. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of X Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2004, 272p. (In Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, O.A. Lapshina Numerical comparison of Krylov subspace methods for convection-diffusion problems, Math. Modeling, 2004, v.16, №4 pp.23-32. (in Russian)
- L.A.Krukier, T.S. Martinova Pollution spreading in liquid crystals in the electric field, Math. Model.. 2004, v.16. №1, pp. 3-11 (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, O.Lapshina, B.L.Krukier Special preconditioners for solution of trasport-dominated convection-diffusion problem, PAMM, Proceedings Appl. Math. Mach., Wiley InterScience publisher, v.3, №1, 2003, pp. 549 - 550.
- L.A.Krukier, T.S.Martinova Numerical methods for solution of convection-diffusion equation with mixed derivativies. RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2003, 156p. (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, O.Lapshina Difference schemes for solving equations with dominant processes, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Mathematics, IMC&MG publisher, Novosibirsk, v.2, 2002, pp. 556 - 560.
- L.A. Krukier, T.V.Belokon, B.L.Krukier Iterative methods for linear equation systems with dominant skew-symmetric part, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Mathematics, IMC&MG publisher, Novosibirsk, v.1, 2002, pp.107 - 112.
- L.A.Krukier, G.V.Muratova, O.V.Nikitenko, A.L.Chikin Model of the thermal regime of the water reservoir, in book “Ecosystem investigations of the Azov and coastal zone” Apatity, 2002, KCC RAS, p139-150 (in Russian)
- L.A.Krukier Iterative solution of nonsymmetric linear equation systems with dominant skew-symmetric part, Proceedings of International Summer School “Iterative Methods and Matrix Computations”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2002, pp.205-259
- G.H.Golub, L.A.Krukier (editors) Proceedings of International Summer School “Iterative Methods and Matrix Computations”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2002, 493p.
- L.A. Krukier, L.G. Chikina, T.V.Belokon, Triangular skew-symmetric iterative solvers for strongly nonsymmetric positive real system of equations, Appl. Numer. Math., 41, 2002, pp.89 - 105.
- Krukier, L.A. Shevchenko, I.V., Comparison of gravity underground water models, Math. Modeling, 2002, v.4, N2, p.51-60 (in Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of IX Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2001, 431p. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. Muratova, G.V., Solution of steady convection-diffusion equation with small parameter at the higher derivation by MGM, Izv.VUZov, North-Caucasian region, Natural sc., 2001, Special issue “Math. Mod.”, pp.105-109 (in Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. Lapshina O.A Skew-symmetric iterative methods for solution of nonlinear steady convection-diffusion equation, (in V. Lakshmikantham, A. Hasanov, (Eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Nonlinear analysis and nonlinear modeling, Fethiye, July 17-23, 2001). Kocaeli University Publishers, Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey, 2001. pp.185-193
- Krukier, L.A. Chikin, A.L. Shabas, I.N. Three dimensional model of the hydrodynamics of the Sea of Azov and its numerical realization, in book “Environment, biota, modeling of ecological processes in the Sea of Azov” Apatity, 2001, KCC RAS, pp. 282-296 (in Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. Muratova, G.V., The use of FDM for the solution of the shallow-water equations, Math. Modeling, 2001, V.13, N3, pp. 57-60.
- Krukier, L.A., Using the skew-symmetric part of the coefficient matrix to find an iterative solution of the strongly nonsymmetric positive real linear system of equations Math. Modeling, 2001, V.13, N3, pp. 49-56.
- L.A. Krukier, L.G. Chikina, Two-cyclic triangular skew-symmetric iterative method for solution of strongly nonsymmetric systems, Izvestija vuzov., Mathematics, 5, 2001, pp. 36 - 42. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of the conference “Mathematical Modeling and problem of environmental security”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 2000, 259p. (in Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes in the Azov Sea, in book “Regularities of oceanographic and biological processes in the Sea of Azov” Apatity, 2000, KCC RAS, p.`129-163 (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, L.G. Chikina, Skew-symmetric iterative method for solution of steady convection-diffusion equation, Izvestija vuzov., Mathematics, 11, 2000, pp. 62-75. (In Russian)
- L.A.Krukier, T.V.Belokon, Iterative Solution of Steady Convection-Diffusion Equation with Dominant Convection (in L.G. Vulkov, J.J.H. Miller, G.I. Shishkin (Eds.). Analytical and Numerical Methods for Convection – Dominated and Singularly Perturbed Problems). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y., 2000. pp.185-193
- Krukier, L.A. (editor) Proceedings of VIII Russian meeting “Modern problem of Mathematical Modeling”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 1999, 267p. (in Russian)
- Samarskii A.A., Krukier, L.A. (editor) Abstracts of the International Conference on “Environmental Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, Rostov on Don, May 24-31, 1999”, RSU publisher, Rostov on Don, 1999, 61p.
- L.A. Krukier, T.S.Martynova, Influence of the form of convection-diffusion equation on the convergence of the SOR, J.of Comp. Math.& Math.Physics, 1999, v. 39, N. 11, pp.1821-1827
- L.A.Krukier, Convergence Acceleration of Triangular Iterative Methods based on the Skew-Symmetric Part of the Matrix, Applied Numer. Math., 1999, v.30, N3-4, pp.281-290
- L.A. Krukier, T.S.Martynova, Point SOR and SSOR Methods for the Numerical Solution of the Steady Convection-Diffusion Equation with Dominant Convection, IMACS, Series in Comp.& Appl. Math. v.5, 1999, pp.398-404.
- L.A. Krukier, L.G. Chikina, Some questions of using upwind FD schemes for engenering calculation of transport contaminent in the shallow water basin, Engenearing-physical Journal, 1998, v.71, N2, pp. 349-352. (in Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, Skew-symmetric iterative methods for solving steady convection-diffusion problems with small parameter at the higher derivatives, Izvestija vuzov., Mathematics, 4, 1997, pp.74 - 85. (In Russian)
- M.A.Botchev, L.A. Krukier, Iterative solution of strongly nonsymmetric systems of linear algebraic equations, Comp. Math.& Math.Physics, 1997, v. 37, N. 11, pp.1241-1251
- L.A.Krukier, Special preconditioners for the iterative solution of strongly nonsymmetric linear systems, Proc.of PRISM'97, Nijmegen, May, 27-29, 1997, pp.107-117.
- L.A.Krukier, Skew-symmetric preconditioners for strongly nonsymmetric linear equation systems, Proc. of 15-th IMACS World Congress of Scientific Computation, Berlin, August 24-29, 1997, v.2, pp.533-538.
- M.A.Botchev, L.A. Krukier, Alternating-triangular skew-symmetric iterative method for solution of strongly nonsymmetric systems of linear algebraic equations, Math. Modeling, 1997, v. 9, N. 1, pp.55-68
- L.A. Krukier, Mathematical modeling of processes with dominant convection in the incomplete flow. Math. Modeling, 1997, v. 9, N. 2, pp. 4-12
- G.V. Muratova, L.A.Krukier, Multigrid method for the iterative solution of strongly nonselfadjoint problems with dissipative matrix, Proc.of AMLI'96, Nijmegen, June, 13-15, 1996, v.2, pp.169-178.
- L.A. Krukier, L.G. Chikina, The use of the iterative methods for solution of the steady convection-diffusion equations in the incompressible medium with predominating convection. International Conference ''The Use of the Mathematical Modelling for the Solution of Problems in Science and Technics'', Izevsk, 1996, pp. 246-257.(in Russian)
- M.A. Botchev, L.A.Krukier, On Skew-Symmetric Preconditioning for Strongly Non-Symmetric Linear Systems. ZAMM, Vol.76 (Suppl.3) 1996, pp.483-484 (Proc. of ICIAM-95)
- M.A. Botchev, L.A.Krukier, Alternating triangular skew-symmetric preconditioning. in numerical modelling the moving fluid processes with the large Re, Vychislitelnye Tehnologii (Novosibirsk), 1995, 4(10), pp.60-68. (In Russian)
- Krukier, L.A. Muratova, G.V., Nicolayev, I.A. Multigrid Method as an acceleration procedure for Solving Algebraic Equation with Dissipative Matrices., Comp.& Math. Model., 1995, v.6, N 4, pp.225-230.
- Krukier, L.A. Muratova, G.V., Numerical investigation of contaminent transport in the shallow water bodies. AHS publ., 1994, N219, pp.223-230
- L.A. Krukier, G.V. Muratova, I.A. Nicolayev, The use of multigrid method as the accelerating procedure solving the system of linear algebraic equations with dissipative matrix, in Mathematical Modelling, A.N. Tikhonov, et al. ed., Moscow State University Publ., Moscow, 1993, pp.45-52. (In Russian.)
- Nikolaev, I.A., Krukier L.A., Surkov,F.A., Dombrovsky, Yr.A. Numerical methods in water ecology. - Mathematical Modeling and Applied Mathematics, 1992, IMACS, pp.337-343.
- Krukier L.A. Muratova G.V. Solving of Linear Algebraic Systems with Nonsymmetric Matrix by Multigrid Method.- Computing Technologies, Novosibirsk, 1992, V1, part 2, N2, pp.180-189 (in Russian).
- L.A. Krukier, Mathematical modelling of the Azov sea hydrodynamics in realizing the projects of reconstructing its ecosystem., Math. Modelling, 1991, 3 (9), pp.3-20. (In Russian)
- Surkov, F.A., Krukier, L.A., Muratova, G.V. Numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics of the Azov Sea after narrowing of the mouth of the Taganrog Bay.- J. of Marine hydrophys., 1989, N6, XI-XII, pp.55-62 (in Russian).
- L.A Krukier, The sufficient condition of convergence for triangular iterative methods with nonsymmetric initial matrix, Izvestija SKVZ VSh, Natural Sc., 1989, 4, pp.52-54.(In Russian)
- L.A Krukier, Construction of the operator B in implicit two-layer iterative schemes for providing convergence in the case of dissipative operator A, Izvestija vuzov., Mathematics, 1983, 5, pp.41-47.(In Russian)
- L.A Krukier, V.L.Zaguskin, Calculation of current and level evaluation in the shallow see, Izvestija SKVZ VSh, Natural Sc., 1981, 2, pp.22-26. (In Russian)
- L.A Krukier, About a sufficient condition of convergence for iterative methods with nonsymmetric initial matrix, Izvestija vuzov., Mathematics, 1981, 9, pp.75-76.(In Russian)
- L.A. Krukier, Iterative method solution of implicit difference schemes approximated for one class of quasilinear equation systems, Izvestija vuzov. Mathematics, 1979, 7, pp.41-52. ( In Russian)